Tips Of The Trade To Make Packing Easy

Tips Of The Trade To Make Packing Easy
When you’re all ready to move from Las Vegas, all the items around the house are suddenly casting their shadows all across the room, as if taunting you. Packing everything is hard, but using a few simple tips, it can be easier.
Tip #1: Never Procrastinate. Start packing a few weeks in advance, and be sure to begin with the less essential items first. Don’t risk becoming overwhelmed.
Tip #2 Go room by room. Set your attention to one part of the room each time, and don’t mix items between rooms for no good reason. To protect and to prevent the loss of small artifacts, be sure to wrap them in papers.
Tip #3 Always Label. Label once, label twice, on the top, on the side. Use stickers with different color for each room. Number and organize your boxes based on rooms and content. This will allow you to unpack more quickly, and will allow the movers to know where each box belongs.
Tip #4 Use Good Boxes. Just any old box won’t do, most of the time. Moving boxes are designed to hold weight and pressure of items. Other than that, using random box sizes can create gaps make loading the truck more difficult.
Tip #5 Know your rights and responsibilities.
Tip #6 Don’t randomly box up important or hazardous materials. Be sure to know what you can and can’t pack. Some items that are common around the house can’t be shipped. Other important items and any small irreplaceable items should be transported personally (heirlooms, passports, wills, photo albums, etc.)